Solana ID enters the Jupiter LFG Launchpad Voting

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Solana ID is a platform where users securely link their digital data footprints to crypto wallets.

Now, they carry around their data-backpacks as secure accounts through the internet instead of opening a new account with every application they intend to use.

With their new-found identity linked to their wallet accounts, apps identify users as their target audience and send them tailored offers, discounts and other rewards to gain their attention. Solana ID turns targeted ads into personal perks.

TL;DR - Why Vote?

<aside> πŸ’Έ AIRDROP ALARM: 2% of total allocation goes to JUP Holders.


<aside> πŸš€ OPPORTUNITY: Solana ID is onboarding ALL Solana users and Apps to distribute Personal Perks On-Chain!


<aside> πŸ”₯ TRACTION: Backed by Foundation grants, top chances to bring home a W from Colosseum hackathon and supported by 3 Superteams.


The Flagship ID solution for Solana & beyond

Web3 is constantly fighting bots and fake accounts. Honest users get lost in the noice. Apps are struggling to build a user base of credible users with honest intentions. Solana ID is installing trust in trustless systems without doxing and revealing private data, solving problems for apps and users alike.

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$SOLID on the Jupiter LFG Launchpad πŸš€

We got selected as a candidate to launch on Jupiter’s popular LFG Launchpad. The voting process will take place in April with the exact to be announced soon.

Why you should vote SOLID: